
Thursday, January 13, 2011

A True Story: by Melissa Aurigemma

last night my mother asks me to join her in a contest. what will this contest entail, i ask? lets see who can lose 5 or 10 pounds first! wait a second…that sounds like dieting. so mom, you’re trying to convey that my freshman 10 is unacceptable? well ya know what, i’ve always wanted a larger ass, some padding on my hips, and i’m also preeeeettty sure my boobs have grown. not dramatically, but ya know, enough. so i may or may not join you in this quest to drop some weight. i would have the satisfaction of beating you at something, and also fitting into my jeans a little more comfortably. who knows. 2011 is indeed full of surprises. 

1 comment:

  1. Breaking news: girl wants to lose weight, uses bad excuses. More at 11.
